Goodenough Mashego
Sepedi Editor

Goodenough Mashego is a widely published poet, independent political analyst, cultural activist, and all-round artist who has produced three volumes of poetry: Journey With Me, Taste of My Vomit and Just Like Space Cookies. He is a literary adjudicator for the Sol Plaatje EU Poetry Award and the South African Literary Awards (SALAs). His poetry has appeared in New Coin, Timbila, Botsotso, Bnap, Afropoetry, Green Dragon, Baobab, Anthology on the Pandemic: Singing in the Dark, Corpses of Unity – Cadavres de l'Unité, and many other anthologies worldwide as well as on online platforms LitNet and Badalisha Poetry Exchange. He has authored a collection of essays, How To Sink The Black Ball, and an experimental long story thesis, Diary of St. Peter. He was the 2016 winner of the National Heritage Council Voice of Heritage Award.