The AVBOB Poetry Anthology: I Wish I’d Said

I Wish I'd Said, the print anthology that captures the essence of the annual AVBOB Poetry Competition, is available in seven collectible volumes, which, together, contain hundreds of original poems in all 11 of our mother tongues. What better way to learn to write a winning poem? It is through reading the works of other poets that we make our own journey from beginner… to master.
Order the highly collectible Volume 7 of I Wish I'd Said now. SMS the word 'POEM' to 48423 (at a standard cost of R1.50 per SMS) to have it posted to you at a total cost of R240. You can also order yours by e-mailing Tertia on tertia@naledi.co.za or find it on the shelves of most good book stores.
Click to download: PDF info sheet for ‘Volume 7’ of I Wish I’d Said