Poetry Contests - Benefits to Entering Poetry Contests

10 Ways Emerging Writers Can Benefit from Entering Poetry Contests

While winning a prize offers superb motivation, did you know there are several other benefits to entering poetry contests as a beginner writer? Writing competitions are undeniably exciting and help us step out of our comfort zone, and if you are looking to refresh your writing style, this might be the next best step for you. Here at , we offer our platform to poets of every kind, including aspiring writers who have never penned a poem before. This means we understand the creative challenges that new writers go through and how poetry competitions can significantly elevate their writing journey.

  1. Poetry Contests Develop Your Writing Skills in Unexpected Ways

    When entering a new contest, you will immerse yourself in the writing experience for some time – whether hours or weeks. During this time, you might come across interesting new styles, techniques, and unique forms of poetry. You’ll also push boundaries when playing with language, and your writing process will inevitably evolve. Honing your skills this way comes organically, and while it may require pushing through some challenges, it’s sure to be meaningful.

  2. Build Confidence in Your Self-Expression

    Your perspective and voice as a writer matter, and entering poetry contests allows you to step out and showcase who you are and the best of your talent. Here at The AVBOB Poetry Project, we welcome anyone to enter in all 11 official languages and embrace the diversity and uniqueness of our contestants.

  3. Start Making a Name for Yourself

    Consistent participation in poetry contests will increase your visibility in literary circles. While winning offers fantastic recognition from judges and fellow writers alike, just entering is a great way to start getting familiar with the local community and establishing a positive reputation.

  4. Learn to Work With Deadlines

    Time management is essential when publishing any written work, and entering writing competitions is a great training ground for meeting deadlines. Adhering to the submission deadlines will teach you how to schedule your writing with discipline, an essential skill whether or not you pursue writing as a full-time career.

  5. Getting Your Creativity Unstuck

    Writer’s block, or feeling stuck in a creative rut, happens to the best of us, and the best remedy is some external inspiration when we can’t conjure up the motivation internally. Poetry contests spark new ideas because they often have themes, prompts, rules, and guidelines. It may seem counterintuitive that more structure helps us with creativity, but sometimes, this is precisely what poets need to gain direction in their writing.

  6. Develop Resilience As a Writer

    Not every contest entry will be successful. Rather than giving up or feeling as though you don’t have what it takes, see this as a challenge to improve your writing, using it as a stepping stone to growth. Criticism and rejection of one’s work will happen in creative careers, and resilience is a necessary trait to develop.

  7. Think Outside the Box When it Comes to Prompts

    Writers may tend toward the familiar after a while, and poetry contests help them break from convention and strive to innovate. With new subject matter and exciting prompts, you can try out original angles and different approaches to your writing.

  8. Become Part of An Important Community of Creatives

    At the AVBOB Poetry Project, we aim to create a community of poets from all walks of life. Last year, we hosted several AVBOB Poetry Online Workshops featuring poets, publishers, and editors; and participants could engage and learn from the best in the industry. You can also browse through our past entries and get to know some poets who have won in their category in previous years.

  9. Earn The Chance to Get Published or Win Awards

    Having your work recognised is an incredible incentive, and so are awards and titles. Successful entries in The AVBOB Poetry competition offer the chance to have your work published online and in a print anthology. You could also win a fantastic prize within your language category and attend an exciting award ceremony.

  10. Unlock New Career Opportunities for Yourself

    Poetry contests can be a springboard to broader career prospects. If you’re looking to experiment with writing and possibly pave the way for more professional future endeavours, a competition is one of the easiest ways to start.

If you want to explore local poetry and get a feel for the entries that most impressed our judges in previous competitions, have a look here.
