Funeral Poem - Poems for Saying Goodbye to Mothers

Writing a Funeral Poem for a Mother and Paying Tribute to Her Love

Nothing is quite as impactful as the loss of a mother or mother figure one adores, and a funeral poem may assist one in bidding a final farewell. A mother’s love, warmth, and nurturing are enduring aspects that aren’t easily forgotten, and what better way to immortalise her legacy than to capture this essence in a poem. It doesn’t matter what the quality of the relationship was like; losing a parent is often a major emotional upheaval in one’s life, and grieving can be incredibly difficult. During this time, it is essential to seek support from trusted loved ones and express yourself openly and honestly because your feelings are valid and important. Poetry has always been a superb outlet for doing so, and if you would like to write a funeral poem to say goodbye, this article may be of assistance to you.

What Makes a Funeral Poem for a Mother So Personal

For many people, their relationship with their mother will be their longest. From womb to birth and every significant life event, your mother was there through it all. She helped you learn to eat, walk, and talk, and she was there to sustain you. Even those who only found a mother figure later in life will appreciate the strength, perseverance, and unconditional love given so freely by that motherly heart. No matter the type of relationship you have had with your mother, she has undoubtedly left a mark on your life, and processing her loss means exploring all the ways she changed you – and a funeral poem is an excellent canvas for this expression.

The Part of Us in Mourning

For many people, grieving never really ends, but the weight of its effects becomes less intense over time. There is no way to fully “heal” the part of us that mourns, as it may always be with us, but poetry can give us a new way to think about mourning as a non-linear process. One reason for grief is that we struggle to find a purpose for the love we have for the person who has passed away. Writing remembrance poems can be a way to channel that love into something external, focused on that person once again.

Recognising Maternal Figures and a Bond Beyond Biology

Motherhood is not bound to genetic ties, and the loss of any nurturing parental figure in one’s life will be tough to process. Funeral poems for mothers honour not only those who birthed us but also those who sustained, shaped, and guided our lives with love, which can include sisters, aunts, grandmothers, friends, and mentors. In Edgar Allan Poe’s poem, “To My Mother”, Poe describes his love for his own mother, who died early, but also how deeply his love runs for his mother-in-law, referring to her as “You who are more than mother unto me”. This poem is famous for its opening lines, indicating how devoted mothers are regarded as synonymous with the highest form of love:

“Because I feel that, in the Heavens above,
The angels, whispering to one another,
Can find, among their burning terms of love,
None so devotional as that of ‘Mother,’”

Themes Often Seen in Elegies for Mothers

Love, loss, nostalgia, and appreciation are often themes in elegies for mothers. One’s relationship with a mother runs deep, however, and there are likely multiple complex layers that may be difficult to encapsulate in the theme of a single funeral poem. In this case, anecdotes and symbolism can assist you. “The Lanyard” by Billy Collins is a great example of this. It’s a piece that explores indebtedness to a mother’s sacrifice. The poem depicts how, as a young child, Collins braided a lanyard as a gift to his mother, but this gift falls short of ever repaying how well she raised him and all the sacrifices she made.

Gaining Perspectives From Loved Ones

It’s always best to write from a place of authenticity, especially regarding matters that hit so close to home. If you want to write a funeral poem for your mother that reaches a broader audience, it’s a great idea to learn about her through the eyes of others. Seek insights from friends and family, talk about cherished memories, listen to untold stories, and learn from the lessons she imparted. Not only is this a great way to honour her memory and what she brought into the world, but it may inform your funeral poem in new and interesting ways. Remember, you are not alone in this process, and seeking inspiration from others can greatly enrich your writing and healing journey.

Explore Our Poetry Library and a Variety of Themes

The AVBOB Poetry Project boasts an exciting and vast library collection of poetry from local talent. These poems span themes of love, death, birth, and hope, and as you explore them, you can share in the wisdom and beauty in the words of others.
