Funeral Poems - How to Choose a Poem for a Memorial

Paying Tribute in Verse: How to Incorporate Funeral Poems into Memorials

We offer guidance on why funeral poems for remembrance are so important, and how to find and incorporate them into a memorial when bidding a loved one farewell. Funeral poems can be a powerful way to honour a loved one's memory and express your grief meaningfully. Whether you're planning a memorial service or a traditional funeral, including poetry can provide comfort and solace to those mourning, and unify them in celebrating the life of someone dear. In this article, we'll explore ways to incorporate poetry into memorial services and funerals while remaining sensitive to your audience.

Where to Find Funeral Poems and How to Select the Right One

Selecting a poem for a memorial entails a thoughtful contemplation of the departed's personality, beliefs, and values, as well as a deep introspection of one's own emotions and sentiments about this loss. The chosen poem must resonate with the special qualities and feelings of the loved one who has passed on and stir an emotional response within the hearts of the mourners in attendance. You can decide on the tone of the piece – whether you want it to express deep sorrow and loss, provide comfort and hope for the audience, or create a more joyful atmosphere that celebrates a beautiful life.

There are countless resources available online and in books for finding funeral poems. Some popular options include:

  • Classic poetry: Many people stick with popular classics, such as the works of Mary Elizabeth Frye, Emily Dickinson, and John Donne. These pieces express universal themes, and hearing familiar sentiments and words may greatly comfort those mourning.
  • Religious texts: If your loved one was religious, consider using a poem from their religion's sacred texts or finding a piece that speaks to their beliefs. For those who hold to views such as a hopeful afterlife, it is easy to find poems that touch on these concepts.
  • Contemporary poetry: Many modern poets have written poems fitting for funerals too. The AVBOB Poetry Project library is filled with thousands of local poems across all 11 official languages that focus on death and losing a loved one.
  • Personalised pieces: You can write your own piece in honour of your loved one, which offers a personal touch to the proceedings and may mean a great deal to close family and friends.

Reading Your Poem to Those in Attendance

Once you have chosen or written your poem, the next step is considering how to weave it into the memorial service or funeral. A heart-warming way to share funeral poems with a gathering of people is to have a beloved family member or friend read it aloud. When selecting the individual to read the poem, it is essential to consider their public speaking abilities and personal relationship with the departed. This person should be someone who can do justice to the emotional depth of the poem and convey its message with grace and sensitivity. To ensure a heartfelt delivery that connects with the audience, providing the reader with a copy of the poem in advance may be beneficial. This allows them to become closely acquainted with the piece and practice delivering it with the appropriate tone and inflection. This way, the reading can become a cherished moment of beauty, imbued with love and intimate connection.

If you prefer not to have the piece read aloud, you can print it on the funeral or memorial programme or items like bookmarks as keepsakes. This allows people to hold on to a reminder of the day and keep the memory of their loved one alive.

Creating a Video or Slideshow for the Funeral

Another way many choose to incorporate funeral poems and even songs into memorials is to use a video or slideshow presentation. Doing so means you can use images, footage, and scenes from your loved one's life to paint a picture of who they were and their impact on the world. This effort can be collaborative amongst family and friends, as people can go back and sift through photo albums, home videos, and social media to find what they can contribute. Choosing the right poem can also be a collective task. Reflecting on old memories is vital for gaining closure and treasuring the relationship.

Would you like to learn more about the power of memorial and funeral poems? Have a look here or visit our library collection.
